What is Leased Line Connection?

What is Leased Line Connection

A leased line is a telecommunication path between two points that is available 24 hours a day for use by a designated user.It is not shared in common among multiple users as dail-up lines are shared.dedicated line can be a physical path owned by the user or rented from a ISP in  which  case it is called a leased line.

Types of Leased Line Connectivity:-

1.Point to Point.
2.Point to Multi point.

What is LAN?

A Collection of Computers,Printers,Modems and  other devices that can communicate with each other in a small area.(~300m)
MAN-50 km.
WAN-No Restriction

What are the Basic Leased Line Networking Components?

2.Network operating system(NOS).
3.Network interface card(NIC).
4.LAN devices.

LAN are Designed to :-

operate within a limited geographic area.
allow multi-access to high-bandwidth media.
control the network privately under local administration.
connect physically adjacent devices.

NOS(Network Operating System)

Software that allows communication and sharing of data and network resources.

NIC(Network Interface Card)

Amplifies electronics signals packages data for transmission physically connects computer to transmission media cable.

Cables or transmission media in Leased Line.

Physical environments through which transmission signals pass.
i.Twisted pair
ii.Fiber optics cable.
iii.Coaxial cable.
iv. Atmosphere(wave).

Network Cabling used in Leased Line Circuit.

media connecting network components.

i. NIC card take turns transmitting on the cable.
ii. LAN cables only carry one signal at a time.
iii. WAN cables can carry multiple signals simultaneously.

Three primary types of cabling

i. Twisted pair.
ii. Coaxial cable.
iii. Fiber optics cable.

LAN/WAN Devices:-

Used in "Leased Line Networking".


  i.Device that services as the center of a Star topology network sometimes referred to as a  
        multi port repeater.
  ii. No forwarding intelligence.


   i. Provides full dedicated data transmission rate between two station that are directly 
       connected to switches parts.
    ii. Build and maintain address table called content Addressable memory.


   i. Only packets intended for  N/W  actually  routed into the N/W & only packet intended for 
      the outside is bridged to the outside N/W.


   i.Inter connect LANs and WANs
   ii. Provide path determination using metrics.
   iii. Forward packets from are network to another.
   iv. Control broadcasts to the network.

What is IP Addressing?

IP is Internet Protocol & is responsible for moving packet of data from node to node and forwarding each packet based on a four-byte destination address(IP address).
Each host on the internet is assigned a 32-bit binary number and it is  called  Internet address or IP address.
e.g:- 140. 179. 220. 201
It is sometimes useful to view  the values in their binary form to determine the network information.
140         . 179          . 220        . 201
10001100. 10110011.11011100. 11001001

Every IP address consists of two parts,one identifying the network and one identifying the host.The class of the address and the subnet mask determine which part belongs to the network address and which part belongs to the host address.

IP Address consist must contain at least two parts:the network portion and the host portion.A Host is an end station such as a computer workstation,a router or a printer.The Network portion consists of one or more hosts.

Addressing Scheme:-

Two types of Addressing schemes for IPv4
i.  Classfull.
ii. Classless.


  • Original style of addressing  based on first few bits of the address.
  • Generally used in customer sites.


  • A new type of addressing that disregards the class bit of an address and applies a variable prefix(mask) to determine the network number.

Types of Classes:-

  • Class A:-Few network each with many hosts.It allows for up to 126 networks with 16 million hosts each.
  • Class B:-Medium number of networks each with a medium number of hosts.It alows for up to 16328 networks with up to 64K hosts each.
  • Class C:-Many networks each with a few hosts.It allows for up to 2 millions networks with up to 254 hosts each.
  • Class D:-Reserved for IP Multicasting.
  • Class E:-Reserved for future use Addresses beginning with 1111 are reserved for future use.

About IP address classes:-

  • Class A addresses opening with 0xxx or 1 to 126 decimal.
  • Class B addresses opening with 10xx or 128 to 191 decimal.
  • Class C addresses opening with 110x or 192 to 223 decimal.
  • Class D addresses opening with 1110 or 224 to 239 decimal.
  • Class E addresses opening with 1111 or 240 to 254 decimal.
Addresses opening with 01111111 or 127 decimal has reserved for internal testing and for loop back check  on a local machine.
Which part of the IP address belongs to the network(N) and which part belongs to the host(H)

  • Class A--- NNNNNNNN.hhhhhhhh. hhhhhhhh. hhhhhhhh
  • Class B---NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.hhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhh
In the example, is a Class B address so by default the network part of the address(also known as the Network Address) is defined by the first two octets(140.179.x.x) and the host part is defined by the last 2 octets(x.x.220.201).In our example specifies the network address for the host section is set to all "1"s it specifies a broadcast that is sent  to all hosts on the network  specifies the example broadcast address.

Class-A Address:-

0 |7 bits Network Address|24 bits Host address|

  • Network Id '0' is not used & Network Id '127' is reserved for loop back and is used for internal testing.
  • Number of Networks=126
  • Network Ids=1-126

  • No host Id can have all zeros i.e 0.0.0 as it specifies network address & no Host Ids can have all ones i.e 255.255.255 as it specifies the broadcast address.

  • Class A networks are referred as "/8s" network since they have a 8-bit network prefix

Class-B address:-


10 |14 bits Network Address|16 bits Host address|

  • No Host Id can have  all zeros i.e 0.0 and specifies network address.
  • No Host Id can have all ones i.e 255.255. and specifies the broadcast address.

  • Class B networks are referred as "/16s" network since they have a 16-bit network-prefix.

Class-C address:-


110 |21 bits Network Address|8 bits Host address|

  • No host id can have all zeros i.e 00000000 and specifies network address.
  • No host id can have all ones i.e 11111111 and specifies the broadcast address.

  • Class C networks are referred to as "/24s" networks since they have a 24-bit network-prefix.


   Class   |Higher order bit |Address range|  No of N/W |No. of Hosts|
Class-A    0xxxxxxx                1 to  126              126               16,777,214
Class-B    10xxxxxx                128 to 191           16384            65534
Class-C    110xxxxx                192 to 223           2097152         254
Class-D    1110xxxx                224 to 239          <------Multicasting------->
Class-E    1111xxxx                240 to 254           <-----future use----------->


Chopping up of a network into a number of smaller networks is called subnetting.It allows to assign some of the bits,normally used by the portion of the  address,to the network portion of the address.Subnet is a real network under a network.any of the classes can be subnetted.Subnetting allows efficiently uses the full network address.
Subnetting an IP network can be done for a variety of reasons,including orgnatization,use of different physical media,preservation of address space,and security.The most common reason is to control network traffic.In an IP ethernet network ,all hosts on a segments see all the packets transmitted by all the other hosts or devices on that segment.performance can be adversely affected under heavy traffic loads signals,due to collisions and the resulting retransmissions.A router is used to connect IP networks to minimize the amount of traffic each segment must recieve.

Subnet Masking:-

Applying a subnet mask to an IP address allows the devices to identify the network and host parts of the IP address.The network bits are represented by the 1s in the mask,and the host bits are  represented by the 0s.performing a bitwise logic AND opertion between the IP address and the subnet mask results in the Network Address or number.

Private IP and Public IP

What is leased line Private and public IP
Private and Public IP

What is Private IP address?

Private Address are the Address which can be used within any orgnization.

What is Public IP address?

Public Address are the address which can be used to connect internet.

Differences between Private and Public IP address

Private IP                                    Public IP
i.Used with the LAN or     i. Used on Public Network
   within the organization
ii.Not recognized on internet  ii.Recognized on int.
iii.Given by Administrator.     iii.Given by ISP(IANA)
iv. Unique within network       iv. Globally unique.
      or orgnization
v. Free                                         v. Pay to ISP or IANA.
vi. Unregistered IP                      vi.Registered IP.

How to identifiy Private Address  and Public Address

Private IP Addresses:-

There are certain address in each Class of IP Addresses that are reserved for Private Network .These Addresses are Called Private Address.

Class-A  range (1-126)

IP-  to (10.x.x.x.) Private IP Class-A

Class-B range  (128-191)

IP-   to Private IP Class-B

Class-C range (192-223)

IP- to Private IP Class-C

We need to remember this Starting IP address and anything other is Public address so public address range is very big therefor it is important to remember private address.

Question:- it is Public or Private IP?

Answer:-This IP beyond  172.16.x.x to 172.31.x.x  so it is Public IP.

Assignment of IP Addresses is done by IANA.

IANA provides IP in Five Regions.

  2. APNIC
  3. ARIN

NIB Overview:-

Most Important Role in "Leased Line Connection".

Core of Broadband Service is National Internet Backbone NIB is a mission to build world clas infrastructure to help accelerate the internet revolution in India.
it has following features:-
1. It provide a diversified range of internet access services including support for VPN.
    a. Virtual Private Network Services.
          Layer-2 MPLS-VPN services.
          Ethernet over MPLS
          PPP over MPLS.
          Layer 2 any to any interworking.
     b.Layer-3 MPLS-VPN services
         Intranet,Extranet services
    c. Managed Customer Premises Equipment services.
    d. Internet Access Services.
        Dailup access services.
        Leased access services IP-VPN/MPLS-VPN
        DSL access services.
        Direct Ethernet access services
    e. Broadband Services.
        Broadcast TV using IP multi casting services.
        Multi cast video steaming services.
         Interactive distant learning using IP multi casting services.
         Interactive gaming services.
2. Messaging Services-Email,FTP etc.
3. Web hosting and Content hosting.
4. Internet Data Centre Services.
5. Value added services.
        Encryption services
        firewall services.
        Multi cast services.  
        Network address translation.
6. Service Level Agreement.
7. Offers fully managed serviced to customers.

NIB MPLS Core Architecture

1. Fully Meshed Connection.
2. Provider Router.
3. Provider Edge Router(PE).
4. IGW(Internation Gateway Router)
    connectivity to internet is through this router.
5. IXP (Internet exchange point)
    ISP's connects each other through this router.
6. IDC internet data centre.

Leased Line Related Tearms:-

SNMP Traps:

Simple Network Managements Protocol is a set of Protocols for managing complex networks.SNMP is an application layer protocol that allows network devices to exchange management information.SNMP allows network administrator to find and interpret network problems and plan network growth.SNMP Trap is an SNMP application that uses the SNMP trap operation to send information to a network manager.Traps are sent when errors or specific events occure on the network.

Auto Discovery:-

The Auto Discovery Configuration feature is used by network elements to discover their next hop neighbors.This feature eliminates the need to manually create trunks on the nodes.

Network Adjacency:

This feature gives the information of immediate neighbours to the NE.


The OSPF feature enables monitoring neighbors of a network elements and debugging the routing information for In Band Communication(IBC).The OSPF parameters can be configured for all embedded control channel interfaces and for the LAN port to enable routing between these interfaces.OSPF as a routing algorithm is used to route IP packets through the shortest path.

Static Route:

Static Route is an entry in NE routing table that specifies how to reach an IP address through a particular gateway.Static route are used to provide static connectivity between routers,meaning the routers do not change automatically unlike routing protocols.A static route can do this by adding a destination network IP address and the IP address of next hop NE.

Serial Ports:

The Serial Port is used as a craft terminal,this features provides a data communication system between two network elements.


Loopbacks are performed to check the continuity on SDH,PDH or Ethernet Ports.The exact location of failure can be detected using loopbacks.

Tandem Connection:

Tandem connection is a bi-directional connection between two tandem connection terminating elements.

Switches Configuration Information:

i.VLAN configuration.
ii. STP configuration.
iii. Tag mode configuration.
iv. Learning mofe configuration.

Quality of Service(QoS):

i. Trust Mode Configuration.
ii. Ports Rate limiting.
iii. QoS Summary.
iv. Class of Service.
v. Diffserv.
vi. ACL

Trust Mode Configuration:-

Trust Mode refers to sending information with a trusted ID by a client.you can configure the ingress port to trust either Class of Service or Differentiated Services code point.\
Ports Rate Limiting:
Ports Rate Limiting


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