What is Transmission and Overview for beginners.

What is Transmission and Transmission System

Transmission is the process of sending,propagating or receiving Analog or Digital information signal over a physical point to point and point to multi-point transmission medium either wired or wireless.
Basically there are two ways in which information of any type can be transmitted over telecommunication media-

1. Analog Transmission.
2.Digital Transmission.

What is Analog Transmission:-

Means that the amplitude of the transmitted amplitude signal varies over a continuous range. e.g-human voice,hi-fi music,temprature reading.

            What is Digital Transmission:-

        means that a stream of On/Off are sent on the Transmission system.

     Advantages of Digital Communication:-

  1. Compatibility of different media.  
  2. Compatibility of different traffic.   
  3. Multiplexing,demultiplexing,branching of digital signals produce no additional interference as noise in analog communications.
  4. Economies in certain application.
  5. Possibility of novel facilities-The digital mode lends itself to such things as cryptography,storage and various forms of digital processing not accomplished otherwise
  6. Applicability to other transmission media-Optical fiber waveguides multiple access satellites appear to be more suited digital than to analog information.
  7. Applicability to extremely difficult transmission paths.
  8. Simpler equipment-there is no need of complicated filter and analog amplifiers for various range.
  9. Easy repeatability of design.

Fiber Optics cable is the new wired Transmission system widely used in Telecommunication.   

Fiber Optics:-

Optical Fiber is new medium,in which information is transmitted through a glass or plastic fiber in the form of light following the transmission sequence given below.
1.Information is encoded into electrical signals.
2.Electrical signals are converted  into light signals.
3.Light travels down the fiber.
4.A detector changes the light signals into electrical signals.
5.Electrical signals are decoded into information.

Advantages of  Fiber Optics:-

1.Optical Fiber are non conductive.
2.Electromagnetic Immunity.
3.Large Bandwidth.
4.Low Loss.
5.Small,light weight cables.
6.Available in long lengths.
8.Universal medium.                          
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