What is CPAN Technology?

What is CPAN Technology and its Overview?

CPAN (Converged Packet Access Network) is based on MPLS-TP Technology.It is used  for MPLS-TP aggregation network and access network.CPAN is converged multi-service connection-oriented transport over packet technology of telecommunication system.It has combined feature of Packet network and SDH/SONET network.

Packet Network Overview:-

Efficiency and flexibility
1.Statistical multiplexing.
2.Flexible transport containers.
4.Advanced QoS.
5. Scalability.

SDH/SONET Network Overview:-

Performance and Carrier-grade features
1.Connection oriented.
2.Low delay and jitter.
3.High clock accuracy.
4.Resiliency(50ms switch over)

CPAN Network is the best of both worlds(Packet and SDH)

Nested Hierarchy:-

1.Client Service Layer (Ethernet,ATM,PDH/SDH)
2.Server Layer(Pseudo wire,Tunnel,Section)
3.Link Layer(Ethernet,POS)

Advantages of CPAN Technology:-

1.Efficient bandwidth utilization,sharing bandwidth between services
2.Includes the benefits of RPR.
a.SDH packet switching based on statistical multiplexing.
b.Path protection & recovery within 50 ms for any topology-Ring,Linear
3.Support for TDM interfaces(E1,STM-1) & Multiservice traffic
4.Both UNI & NNI interface upto max 100G capacity
a.Access to last mile connectivity bandwidth upto 100G capacity.
b.bandwidth scalability -from 5G,40G to 100G
4.OAM & Performance Monitoring-Proactive & Reactive
5.resiliency-1:1,1+1;Linear & Ring.
6.GUI EMS provising.

Why CPAN Requirements:-

1.TDM Traffic is becoming less and less.
2.MPLS-TP=Intelligence of Packet switching + OAM in SDH
3.CPAN switches aggregates voice,video,and data from Access N/W.
4.CPAN hands-over the Access traffic to MNG-PAN,IP/MPLS core.

Types of CPAN Switch.

S.No   Type  Power Capacity
1        .  A1     DC      8G 
2          .A2     AC      8G
3          .B1     DC      40G
4          .B2     DC      80G

What is DCN Plan and Design Read more

CPAN Overview for Freshers and Beginner.

GNE(Gateway NE) using In-Band Control and Management channel carries the control and  information between the NMS and NE so that the NMS can manage all NEs remotely via the Gateway.

LCT (Local Craft Terminal) is a local NE management system.

CPAN Topology View Windows:-

  1. Physical View.
  2. DL(Digital Link).
  3. LSP (Label Switching Path) View.
  4. PW (Pseudo-wire) View.
  5. CE (Customer Edge Equipment) Service View.
  6. All resource view.

Types of Service used in CPAN.

  1. ATM Service.
  2. SDH Service.
  3. PDH Service.
  4. Channelized STM-1 Service.
  5. E-LAN Service.
  6. E-Line Service.
  7. E-Tree  Service.
  8. E-LS Service.

Laser Management:

ALS off Time(S).

The period of Time when laser is turned on is the ASL ON time,While the period of time when laser is turned off is the ASL Off time.

ALS On Time (S)

The period of time when the laser is turned on is the ASL On time.


True---Enable the ALS function(Automatic Laser Shutdown)
False---Disable the ALS function.

Shared Protection Ring Management:-

SPRing is based on Physical ports.the Ring includes digital links and NEs.
With protection ring ,the carrier can use minimized fiber resource to provide two protection paths.when the protection ring is created.


LSP is used to manage the link bandwidth in the NE Systems and established for network resource planning through the NMS,when creating LSP the parameters such as bandwidth ,cost priority and protection trail can be configured.LSP with different COS priority levels are forwarded with different priority policies on the network node.

Creating Protection Trail:-

Types of APS(Automatic Protection Switching)

  • 1:1 Protection.
  • 1+1 Protection.
  • N:1 Protection.

CPAN APS Mode Types:-

  • No revert mode:-The protection trail is in non-recoverable mode ,when the working trail recovers,the traffic is not switched back to the working trail,and the system continues using the protection trail.
  • Revert mode:-The protection trail is in recoverable mode ,in this mode once the working trail recovers,the traffic is switched back from the protection trail to the working trail.

PW(Pseudo Wire):-

Pseudo Wire is established to carry the attached service each PW has its own CIR and EIR bandwidth parameters and its Exp can be mapped based on the QoS parameters of the attached service.

One LSP can handle multiple PWs.

CE Service:-

One or more Services can be attached to a PW.

Service Type     Description

PDH           There are two types of service
                    PDH service E1,T1
SDH           There are Five types of SDH service
                  VC11,VC12,VC3,VC4 Fraction VC4  
E-Line        Point to Point Ethernet Service
E-LAN      Multiple to Multiple Ethernet Service.
E-Tree        Point to Multi point Ethernet service.
E-LS         Ethernet Local Services