Transmission Related Tearms

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ATM:-Asynchronous Transfer Mode.The CCITT Standard for cell relay wherein
information for multiple types of services (voice,video,data} is conveyed in small,fixed size cells of 53 bytes.key advantages of this technology include ability to prioritize voice /video over data traffic ,scalable  bandwidth from 20 Mbps to 2 Gbps and use over LAN and WAN.Asynchronous transfer mode in ISDN is the emerging technique of switching associated data(data of different types} having different transmission characteristics on network.It is asynchronous in the sense that the cells generated by users may not recur in periodic harmony.In this method data is digitized and broken into fixed length packets segment of 53 bytes called cell and switched over the circuit the data could be of any type,video,audio,digital data or a block of ethernet or FDDI message. Normally in audio switching  the circuit is first established and held during coversation,whereas ATM uses virtual circuit switching and there is no need to retain the electical path.


Attenuation:-Loss of communication signal energy.


Baud:-A unit of signaling speed equal to the number or discrete conditions-or signal events per second.Baud is synonymous with bits per second if each signal event represents exactly one bit.


Topology:-It is a LAN architecture in which transmission from transmitter stations feed the length of the medium and are received by all other stations.

Bit Rate

Bit rate:-The speed at which bits are transmitted,usually expressed in bits per second(bps).Also
 generally referred to as baud rate.


Ethernet:-A baseband LAN specification.ethernet networks operate at 10Mbps using CSMA/CD to run over coaxial cable.Ethernet is similar to a series of standards produced by IEEE referred to as IEEE 802.3.The newer and faster versions of ethernet include fast Ethernet and gigabit ethernet.

 Error Control

Error Control:-A technique for assuring that transmissions from a source are received at the destination without error.

Error Rate

Error Rate:a In date transmission the ratio of the number of incorrect elements transmitted to the total number of elements transmitted.


FDDI:-Fiber Distributed Data Interface.An ANSI-defined standards specifying a 100Mbps token passing network using fiber-optics cable.uses a dual -ring architecture to provides redundancy. 

Flow Control

Flow Control:-Packets used to control the flow of data on logical channel between 
the terminal and the network.


FTP:-File Transfer Protocol A protocol based on TCP/IP or raisable file transfer.Interpreted in the TCP/IP suit.

Full Duplex

FullDuplex:-A capability for simultaneous transmission of data in both directions.


Gatesways:-Switching facilities that connect mobile satellite communications with land-based network.


Ping:-used for devices reachable or not in packet switch network.


Multiplexing:-Sending several signals over a single line and separate them at the other end.


Analyzer:-It is tool used for signal quality or connectivity check.


NMS:-Network  Management System.A system responsible for managing network or specific type of network devices.An NMS is generally a reasonably powerful and well-equipped computer such as an engineering workstation,with a high-resolution color display ,large memory and disk space, and a fast processor.NMSs communicate with agents to keep track of network statistics and resources.


Node:-Generic term used to refer to an entity that can access a network.used interchangeably with device.