Broadband Related Tearms



BNG:-Broadband Network Gateway is equivalent to Broadband Access Server (BRAS) of NIB with some added functionalities,which makes it aware of the potential congestion  point in the aggregation network.This is the major brittle point of the network in terms of guaranteeing the Quality of service and to avert  congestion as it keeps tracks of the various traffic flows of each type and take appropriate decisions based on the resource admission subscriber authentication ip address allotment and policing.


NOC (Network Operation Center):- A system responsible for managing network or specific type of network devices.NOC is generally a reasonably powerful and well-equipped computer such as an engineering workstation.


ADSL:asymmetric digital  subscriber rate of between 1.544 Mbps to 6.1 Mbps.distance limit 18000 feet at 1.544 Mbps,12000 feet at 6.1 Mbps,9000 feet at 8.44 Mbps.Application used for Internet and web access,motion video,video on demand,remote LAN access.


SNMP:-Simple Network Management Protocol is known as the internet network management protocol it confer a means to monitor and set network configuration and runtime parameters.


LAN:-Local-area network .A network covering a relatively small geographic area compared to WANs ,LAN are usually characterized by relatively high data rates and relatively low error rates.


Gateway:-Hardware or Software used to connect network that use different communication protocols such as Arcnet and an ethernet.A gateway is a fundamentally different type of device than a repeater,bridge,routers or switch and can be used in conjuction with them.A gateway make it possible for an appliction program,running on a system,conforming to network architecture,to communicate with an appliction program running on  a system confirming to some other network architecture.A gateway play its function in the Application layer of the OSI model. The function of a gateway is to transform one set of communication protocols to some other set of communication protocols. Protocol conversion may include the following:

  • Message format conversion.
  • Address translation.
  • Protocol conversion.


Host:-Computer System on a network ,Similar to the terms device or node except that host usually implies a computer system ,whereas device and node generally apply to any networked system,including communication servers and routers.


IP:-Also  called Internet Address,it is a 32/128 bit address assigned to host using TCP/IP.The address is written as four octets separated with periods that are made up of network section,an optional subnet section,and a host section.IP is the primary layer 3 protocol in the Internet suite.IP addresses are globally unique.Globally unique addresses permit IP networks anywhere in the world to communicate with each other.An IP address is divided into three parts.the first part desigantes the network address,the second part desigantes the subnet address and the third part designates the host adress.IP addressing supports threee different network classes.


MAC:-Media Access Control.The protocol level that describes network managements frame sent on the 82.5 token ring most MAC frames are handed transparently by the network adapter.


Bandwidth:-The difference between the higher and lower available  frequency of the  network signals.The term is also used to describe the rated throughput capacity of a given network medium or protocol.also refers to the range of  frequencies available for transmission of data voice fax or video.

Base band

Base band:-Characteristics of network technology where only one carrier frequency is used.Base band can be contrasted with broadband where multiple carrier  frequencies are used.Ethernet is an example of a base band network also called"narrow band".


DNS:-It is a Domain name System.


DHCP:-It is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.


FTP:-File Transfer Protocol.A protocol based on TCP/IP or raisable file transfer Interpreted in the TCP/IP suit.


Firewall:A network device,usually a host running a specialized software which enforces security control for all network access usually between a corporate and public  network.The firewall software performs data encryption.virus checking and awake of potential network intrusion and other willfully network security threats.


PVC:A permanent virtual circuit is effectively a point to point ,non-switched circuit over which only data and flow control packets can  flow PVCs act as a conduit for data,between the devices and can be visualized as "virtual" leased connection over  a data network .They reduce the overhead and additional bandwidth required to establish and tear-down virtual circuits.


PPP:Point to Point protocol.A inheritor to SLIP, this protocol provides router and host connections over asynchronous and synchronous network.


SVC:Switched  virtual circuit.A virtual circuit that can be dynamically established on demand.SVCs are setup and torn-down between communicating devices,during call establishment ans call-completion phases,respectively contrasted with PVC.


HDSL:High bit-rate digital subscriber rate of downstream and upstream of HDSL is 1.544Mbps duplex on two twisted-pair lines or 2.048 Mbps duplex on three twisted-pair lines.distance limit  is 12000 feet on 24 gauge wire.