Glossary of Telephone exchange Terminology and Terms.


CCR:The Call Completion Rate measures the percentage of originated calls successfully completed . The CCR shows directly the  congestion in the network and indirectly the fault rate . Switch and transmit the signalling messages depends on the  CCR available.

 International  network,the CCR has following types:-

Answer Bid Ratio (ABR)  
 Answer Seizure Ration (ASR) 
Congestion (CONG) 


The ABR is the Ratio of successful calls to  originating total international calls .


The ASR is the ratio of successful calls to incoming  total international calls.


Percentage of calls lost due to congestion in the international call network is known as CONG.

E & M Signal

E & M control signaling which is used for signaling on the basis of per-trunk . An additional pair of circuits,reserved for signaling is employed.  The forward signals which corresponds to receive or R-lead of the destination device that  is one wire, and the other wire dedicated to the backward signals which represents the transmit or  S-lead of the destination device.

R2 Signalling

National and international routes used R2 signaling as per CCITT  standard . R2 signaling is fully compelled and the backward signal is transmitted as an acknowledgment to the forward signal. This speed up the interchange of information reducing the call set up time. Satellite circuit are an exception and semi-compelled.