Mobile Phone Terminology | Terms.

Mobile Phone Terminology | Terms You need to Know.


Mobile:A Radio Terminal attached to a high speed mobile Platform (i.e a cell phone in a fast moving vehicle). It is used in cellular systems to provide wireless communication between Mobile users.


Portable:A Radio Terminal that can be hand held and used by someone at waking speed.(i.e. Cord less telephone)


Subscriber:A Mobile or Portable users is known as Subscriber.


BTS:The BTS interconnect  the transceivers and antennas used in every cell of the network. A BTS is generally placed in the center of a cell. Its transmitting power assess the size of a cell.BTS transceivers has depending on the density of users in the cell. In other words Fixed antenna units with which the subscribers communicate. Base stations of mobile communication is  connected to a commercial power source and a backbone network.


Cell:A Cell interconnect to the covering area of one transmitter or a small collection of transmitters. The area of coverage is split into cells,each cell has a base station vested at its core or an edge.


GSM:The Global System for Mobile communications in a digital cellular communications systems. It was developed for European mobile telephone but it has been rapidly accepted worldwide.


Cluster:The cells are grouped into clusters. The number of cells in a cluster of mobile system must be determined so that the cluster can be repeated successive within the covering area of an operator. The number of cells in every cluster is must be important. The smaller the number of cells per cluster means ,will be bigger the number of channels per cell . The capacity of every cell will be so increased. The number of channels per cell depends on the number of available channels and the type of cluster used.


SIM:The SIM is a smart card that identifies the correct operator service network. The SIM card contains some parameters of the user such as its international mobile subscriber identify(IMSI), MS ISDN , TMSI PIN Keys.


BSS:Base Station Subsystem interconnects the mobile station and the NSS. It controls all the transmission and reception. The BSS can be divided into two parts:


BSC:The Base Station Controller controls  a group of BTSs and manages their radio resources. A BSC is mainly in charge of handovers,frequency hopping , control of the radio  frequency  power levels and exchange functions of the BTSs.

MSC:The Mobile Services Switching Center. It is the prime component of the NSS.  Switching functions of the network is  performs by  the MSC. It also provides interconnection to other different networks.


GMSC:The Gateway Mobile Switching Center is a node interconnecting two networks. It is the interface between the mobile cellular network and the PSTN. It gives the routing calls from the fixed network to a GMSC. It is commonly  implemented in the same machines .


GIWU:The GSM Inter-Working Unit concur to an interface to different networks for data communications During these communications the transmission of speech and data can be alternated.


HLR:The Home Location Register is a very important database which stores users information  for the covering area of  a MSC. Current location of the mobile users  is also stored  and the services to which they have access the location of the subscriber  or  visitor location register associated to the device.


AuC:The Authentication Center Register is used for security purposes. It bestows the parameters  that is needed for authentication and encryption functions. These parameters help to verify the users' identity.

Half Duplex System

Half Duplex System:Two way communication done by using the same radio channel for both transmission and reception.  User can either transmit or receive at a given time interval.

Full Duplex System

Full Duplex System: Simultaneous two-way communication. Transmission and reception of the communication will be done on two different channels . Full duplex is work either by .

Frequency Division Duplex (FDD).

FDD:In FDD  both the base station and the subscriber unit transmit and receive signals simultaneously. At the base station  of mobile communication two different  antennas are used.for transmit and receive  At the subscriber unit only a single antenna is used both for transmission and reception. A  device enables the same antenna for transmission and reception simultaneously.that is called a duplexer .


TDD:uses the fact that it is presumable  to share a single radio channel in time. A portion of the time is used to transmit from the BS to MS and the remaining time is used to transmit from the MS to the BS.only possible with digital transmission format and digital modulation.

Setup Time

The Time required to provide a radio channel of the subscriber.

Blocked call

 During the congestion (Lost call) of network Call that cannot be completed at the time of request 

Holding Time

Average duration  of a typical call.

Traffic Intensity

Measure of channel time utilization (Erlang). A channel kept busy for one hour is defined as having a load of one Erlang.

Control Channel

Control Channel:Radio channels used for transmission of call setup,call request and call initiation.

Forward Channel

Forward Channel:Down link radio channel used for transmission of information from the base station to the mobile.

Reverse Channel

Reverse Channel:Uplink Radio channel used for transmission of information from the mobile to the base station.

Hand off

Han doff:The process of transferring the mobile station from one channel or base station to another.