What is FTTH Connection?

What is FTTH Connection?

FTTH means Fiber to the Home .It is a Revolutionary Broadband connection with gigabit speed to the home users,official works or industrial works.
"FTTH Connection "provides Data ,Video and Voice service with high speed technology. 

FTTH is based on types of Technology.

  1. GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network).
  2. GEPON(Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network).
  4. BPON(Broadband PON)
These Technology has a brand name "Next Generation Play Networks". FTTH is future proof solution for providing add-on services such as Video on demand,online gaming,HDTV etc.A Primary consideration for providers is to decide whether to deploy an active(point to point) or passive(pint to multi point) fiber network.
Fiber Networks comes in many varieties depending on the Termination point that is know as "Fiber To The x" (FTTx). 


Gigabit PON  is the next generation of PON's from the line of APON and BPON.The ITU has approved standard G.984x for it.GPON will support both ATM and Ethernet for Layer-2 data encapsulation so is clearly an attractive proposition.It support 2.5 Gbps downstream and 1.25 Gbps upstream.


The IEEE Standardized Ethernet PON in the middle of 2004.It uses Ethernet encapsulation to the transport data over the network.It operates at the rate of 1.25 Gbps both downstream and upstream (Symmetrical) over a maximum reach of 20.


ATM PON was standardized by the ITU in 1998 and was the first PON standard developed.It uses ATM principles as the transport method and support 622 Mbps downstream service and 155 Mbps upstream service shared between 32-64 splits over a maximum distance of 20 km.


Shortly after APON  Broadband PON  followed and is very similar to APON.BPON also uses ATM but it also boasts superior features for enhanced broadband services like video.BPON has the higher performance number then APON pre Splitting maximum of 1.2 Gbps downstream and 622 Mbps upstream

Types of FTTx.

  1. FTTH(Fiber To The Home).
  2. FTTB(Fiber To The Building).
  3. FTTC(Fiber To The Curb).

Fiber To The Home(FTTH)

Fiber to the Home is defined as a telecommunications architecture in which a communications path is provided over optical fiber cables extending from an Optical Line Terminal(OLT) unit located in telecommunications operators switching equipment connects to an Optical Network Terminal(ONT) at each premise/Customer.Both OLTs and ONTs are active devices.This communication path is is used for carrying traffic to one or more subscribers and for one or more services.FTTH is a single optical fiber cable from OLT to the Home.the Optical or electrical signals are converted and connection to the user's PC/Laptop via an Ethernet Card

Fiber To The Building(FTTB)

Fiber to the Building is defined as architecture in which a path is provided over optical fiber cables extending from an Optical Line Terminal(OLT)  connects to an Optical Network Unit(ONU) or Remote Terminal(RT) at the boundary of the apartment or office or building enclosing the home or business of the subscriber or set of subscriber.Optical fiber cable is installed up to the metallic cable installed within the building.A LAN or existing telephone metallic cable is then used to connect to the users.

Fiber To The Curb(FTTC)

A method of installing optical fiber by the curb near the user's home.An optical communication is then used between the remote unit installed outside from the installation center.Coaxial or other similar cable is used between the unit and user's.

Advantages of FTTH.

  • FTTH provides end-users with a broad range of communications and entertainment services and faster activation of new services.
  • Competition is beginning to offer a "multi-play" bundle.
  • FTTH provides service Providers with the ability to provide "cutting edge" technology and "best-in-class" services.
  • Deploying a fiber optic cable to each premise will provide an extraordinary amount of bandwidth for future services.
  • FTTH provides carriers with an opportunity to increase the average revenues per user to reduce the capital investment required to deliver multiple services and to lower the coast of operating networks. will result in less operational expense.
  • Around the world FTTH is viewed as strategic national infrastructure similar to roads,railways,and telephone networks.

PON Architecture

PON are in the Central Office Equipment, called the OLT for optical line terminal,and the CPE  called ONU for optical network unit (for GEPON) and ONT for optical network terminal (for GPON). the important difference between OLT and ONT devices is their purpose.OLT devices support management functions and manage maximum up to 128 downstream links.In paractice it is common for only 8 to 32 ports to be linked to a single OLT in the CO.On the other hand the ONT (or ONU) devices in the CPE support only their own link to the CO.

  • OLT
  • PON
  • NMS
  • Fiber.

OLT (Optical Line Terminal)

The OLT resides in the Main Office.The OLT system provides aggregation and switching functionality between the Core network and PON interfaces.The network of the OLT is typically connected to the IP network  and  backbone of the network operator.Multiple services are provided to the access network through this interface.

ONU/ONT(Optical Network unit/optical network terminal)

This provides access to the users.The access node installed within user premises for network termination is termed as ONT.Whereas access node installed at other locations ie curb/building are known as ONU.The ONU ONT provides user interfaces.

PON (Passive Optical Network)

Distributed or single staged passive optical splitters/combiners provides connectivity between OLT & multiple ONU/ONTs through one or two optical fibers.Optical splitters are capable of providing upto 1:64 optical split on end to end basis.These are available in various options like 1:4,1:8,1:16,1:32 and 1:64

NMS(Network Management System)

Management of the complete PON system from OLT.

  • One OLT serve multiple ONU/ONTs through PON.
  • TDM/TDMA protocol between OLT & ONT
  • Single fiber/dual fiber to be used from upstream & downstream.
  • Provision to support protection taking care of the fiber cuts card failure etc.
  • Maximum Split Ratio of 1:64
  • Typical distance between OLT & ONT can be greater than 15 km
  • Downstream Transmission from OLT to ONU/ONT is usually TDM
  • Upstream Transmission from ONU/ONT to OLT is usually TDMA
  • PON System may be Symmetrical.
  • PON and fiber network can also be used for supporting anyone distributive service.

Fiber Cable

Fiber Cable used for Transmission media from OLT to ONU/ONT.

GEPON & GPON Applications:

  1. High Speed Internet.
  2. Transpsrent LAN Service.
  3. Broadcast Video.
  4. Multiplay.
  5. TDM Telephony.
  6. Video on Demand.
  7. On-Line Game.
  8. IPTV.
  9. Wireless Service.
  10. Wireless backhaul over PON.

The Features of Differents PON Standard:-